IDMC Network

  • IP:
  • Rank: #67
  • Players: 37/300
  • Status: Online
  • Uptime: 100%
  • Score: 224
  • Country:  United States United States
  • Version: Travertine Flixel (1.8.x - 1.15.x)

The official Network of youtuber iDeactivateMC. Our server offers many unique servers like:

- Normal Survival
- Survival Role Play
- Creative
- Creative Role Play
- Factions
- KitPvP
- Hardcore Survival

We’re a YouTube and child-friendly network with active staff and an amazing community. Our servers are unique because we bring a brand new way of Survival and Creative… introducing role play!

Come check us out today!



© CRG Studios 2018